When Should you Buy a New Bike?

We all buy a bike but wonder when is the best time to change it. You don’t have to simply change it just because it has crossed particular years. Even after exceeding the year limit, some bike works really well.

But there are certain indications your bike gives. When you notice them, you must consider replacing your bike. This article tells you under what conditions you should change your bike.

When Can You Replace Your Bike?

We all wonder when is the best time to replace our bikes. Though there are many reasons available to change, a few of them are just marketing tricks. But here are the reasons that you should consider before you decide to replace your bike.

1. When your old bike is broken

Old is gold but you can’t keep riding your old bike even after it is broken. A flat tire and broken rims, and spokes do not make the bike broken. But when there are rusts, cracks, and broken wheels, then you should definitely consider changing your bike.

2. Hard to find spare parts

When you purchase a bike, some of the bike parts won’t be available in both local and online stores. Nowadays, parts are designed using current international standards, so it will be difficult to find parts especially if your bike is a vintage design. Then you should definitely replace your bike.

3. Repair costs are high

Bikes aren’t cheap so is the repair cost. As the bike gets older, the repair costs will also get more expensive. The increase in price is due to the high labor charges as well as expensive replacement parts.

When you find yourself spending too much in the repair shop, then it is worth putting money on the new bike instead of paying for repairs.

4. Broken frame

One worst thing for a cyclist is having a broken frame on his/her bike. If you have a broken frame, then you should think about two things: buying a new frame or buying a new bike.

Calculate which will cost you the least. If buying a new bike is going to cost you less than a frame, then you can get a new bike.

5. After an accident

Accidents occur. Although your bike might look good even after any sudden mishappenings, you should definitely check your parts out. If it is in good condition, then no problem. If not, you can replace your bike instead of spending on repairing the old parts.

6. When you find it hard to pedal

If you feel like your bike is slowing you down or making it difficult to pedal uphill, it's time to replace it. But first, you should check and examine your bike to see if there is anything mechanically holding you back.

7. Mechanical problems

As the day passes, the bike will start growing old. Although some work well even in old conditions, some bikes tend to develop mechanical problems. That includes snapped chains, broken pedals, and weak brakes. When you start noticing any fault or mistakes, instead of repairing it, you can buy a new bike.

8. When your old bike is out of date

With the new technology like increased use of suspension, andadding gearslike in motorcycles all the industry-standard has been changed. When everyone is switching to modern ones, you don’t want to be stuck behind, do you? So when your bike becomes out of date, you can replace it with a new modern one.

9. Getting a new appropriate bike for your needs

There are manydifferent types of bikesavailable. For example, if you are having a mountain bike but you think a road bike would be suitable for your daily commute. You want to make sure your bike fits your purpose, right? In this situation, you can change your bike or you can keep the old one with you as well.

10. When a new bike saves your money

If you are spending more on your transport, instead you thinkgetting a new bikewould save money. Although you are buying a new bike here, it will save more money for you in long term.


There are a lot of reasons available for buying or replacing your bike. But you should not just do it for simple reasons since many of them are just marketing traps.

If you feel like you are spending too much money on repairing or the bike just wouldn’t work anymore, then you can definitely change your bike.

Hope this article helps you clear your mind. Write to us if you have any doubts and we will get back to you soon!

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